Monday, February 25, 2008

Seeing double

Why do I all of a sudden have two of everything? Two military IDs, that will come in handy, even if one if especially ugly. Two driver's license, will not come in handy the ND was suspended when I called and reported it lost but I am glad I have the ND momento. Two MWR cars, might be useful, we'll see. Two debit cards, also one is useless since it was reported lost. Even two Temple Recommends but one is also defunct since we have the new bar code system. But my old one was in one of those plastic holders and I am glad to get that back. Also glad to get back my Target photo gift card that still carries a balance of $60.16. And I didn't have $15 in my wallet, I had $18! I got that back as well.
What brings about this miracle? Some really nice person who was just taking his/her time to get it back to me? No. Actually it was a little closer to home. Or really far away from home, depending on how you look at it. I am now under the belief that my car, on the passenger side, has some sort of worm hole. That's right it was in the car, people. In the car!
This last Saturday was Super Saturday. I have the drop off/pick up procedure down by down. Bug first, then DD, and last Innie. The reverse for pick-up. I go to the place where Innie is and pick him up, DD is just across the street but we still drove. I throw my purse on the seat and drive. As I make the turn into the parking lot it falls over and something falls out and over the far side of the seat. My phone is the slipperiest thing in there so I assume it is that. Innie says, your wallet fell out. I say, No, it sounded like the phone. First off, how do I know what a cell phone falling out of my purse onto the floor sounds like? Experience. He says, but it's black. My new wallet it black so I go okay it was my wallet and think weird. He then hands me my old leather tri-fold wallet. I stop the car and stare. Do you know what this is? This is my lost wallet. I then begin the maniacal laughter where all the obsurdities that I endured replacing all this stuff finally hits home with all it's wonderful futility.
I go pick up DD and I am still laughing. I can't stop. I am waiting in line to sign her out by myself, chuckling. DD comes up to me crying, of course, about something, and I am still laughing. We then go on our way to get Bug, as we pull out of the parking lot, Innie goes, are you going to put this on the blog? Begin laughter again. Oh yes, son, this will make an apperance on the blog. By jove, I think the boy knows me.

So, worm hole theory. I didn't just happen to look in the car when I thought I lost my wallet. I took it apart. I even was on the passenger side with the door open squatting down putting hands into places where I was not sure what kid-petrified snack I might pull out. Then I did it again the next day in the daylight. I took everything out of this car and looked. I searched, I gave it the ole college try. I could not have searched longer or harder in a four door sedan, I mean come on there isn't that much ground to cover. And let's add to that the cleaning out we gave the car last Monday when we came home from my friends house. You know, road trip trash, toys, and all the other stuff that had been accumulating the last few weeks. We went out there with thrash bags and a laundry basket. Alright kids, nothing remains in this car. Everything in the basket, toys, books, trash, it all goes. Make sure you dig under the seats really good, lets not leave anything. Remember the sides to. I mean, come one, if it was going to be found shouldn't that have been the time?

No almost a week later it is dislodged by a falling cell phone, yes, I was right it did sound like my cell phone. If it was so easily dislodged by a phone how could it know be dislodged by my hand the couple dozen times I swiped it around there? The kids as they looked for transformer parts? Its because there is a wrinkle in the space-time continuum, that's why. And it resides on the passenger side of my car. Not only is this a much cooler explanation it does have the added benefit of making me look slightly less incompetent and just a victim of physics.


Susie J. said...

YAYYYYYYY it's back!! I'm so glad you found it! Those $18 and the gift card will really come in handy. :) As for the other doubles... not so much, eh?

Abbey said...

LOL, Will looses his wallet all the time.
I'm glad you found yours! :)
We are still waiting for Will's to show up from more than a year ago. Maybe it will one day.

Laura said...

Ha ha ha - I'm maniacally laughing alongside you. Isn't that the way it always goes?

Nikki said...

continuum. I like that word. Makes me always think of vacuum as vack-you-umm.

Nikki said...

I am glad you found your wallet. That's bizarre. Very cool though.

Haddorkus said...

Hey look, I got my first spamer. I feel so flattered to be noticed, now get off my blog, I only want topical comments. This is my narcissitic way to hve interaction with people. Me, me, me, my, my, my, mine, mine, mine.

Nikki said...

And isn't it lovely that your spammer left you three comments? You can delete them you know. Even though you're not clicking on the link, someone else might.

Haddorkus said...

I guess I never tried, thanks, I will do that. Bye Mr. Spammer.

Pure Golding said...

I'm glad you got your wallet back from the black hole. Save the doubles. Your kids will love to look back and laugh at them later. Maybe by then you can too!
Do you remember my lost wallet story? I had about $100 in it- cash. It disappeared from my car in front of the house one night. I found it about 6 months later in the 4-wheeler pouch. One of my sweet daughters-Little Miss Clepto-took it and hid it there after she spent the moula! Sneaky, huh?! Needless to say, I wanted my money back. No such luck!

Tubbs Family said...

Do you wonder why these things happen to you...KARMA...that is what you get for making up names for innocent people...although extremely amusing...

M A Haddox said...

Space-time continuum's only happen around geeks and nerds. Add that to the fact you play the French Horn, it does make perfect sense.

I wish I would find my wedding ring one day. I lost it in the Honda when I went water skiing with some of my friends while I was in Boise and Jay was still in Idaho Falls... my friends were girls. Yeah, I still can't explain that in a way that doesn't sound suspicious. Well, too bad I lost the Honda in a Valentine's Day 3-car pile-up, so I doubt the ring will ever be found again. And the story will live forever ><