Thursday, April 17, 2008

All kinds of stuff

Alright where to start? I have been really busy with kid activities, scouts, various Army wife whatevers, Big Brother is getting to the end (yes, I watch that, blame homelessness and living with my sister), etc. I have all these great things in my head that I keep going, Oh gotta put that in the blog. But now it's gotten to too much. I only seem to be able to post every few days so all these tidbits in my head must come out so here it is in my very fond of list form.

1. Bug, today, as I came downstairs as we were getting ready to leave said, "You look very pretty in that black shirt, Mom." Then when we were in the car on the way to going out to lunch with some friends to a fancy-pants restaurant, I did what I said I would never do. I decided to stop and get Bug a burger to sneak in, I am not proud of myself but he ate lunch. I tell him my plan that I am going to stop at Wendy's before we go to the restaurant to get him a burger so he won't have to eat anything he doesn't like and his reply, "Wow. that's very nice of you."

2. Somewhere along the line, DD has lost all table manners. She has started chewing with her mouth open and making smacking sounds. I can ask her to please close her mouth but about three seconds later, I'll hear the smacking again and see whatever masticated gross is going on in there. If I told her to stop every time she did it during a meal, I would say it at least 25 times. But that would be less than she actually does it because by me asking her to stop she is trying to be better. If you say nothing at all, seriously, I could rip out my eyes and then jab something extremely sharp into my ears. Make it stop.

3. Punx made the Junior Swim Team at the Y. He practices with the team twice a week. The team, isn't that so cute? I can just sit there and watch his little strokes. His butterfly just makes my heart melt. I had to get a video.

Now, obviously that was freestyle. I haven't gotten a video of him doing butterfly yet. I got another video of him doing breaststroke but it didn't turn out so well. And after getting about four videos I thought maybe I should wait until another day for more shots so everyone wouldn't think I was just a little over the top. And just for clarification Punx is on his way back from his fourth lap and that was his first break. He is doing so great.

4. Ah man, I knew there was another one. Now I can't remember it.


SuperCoolMom said...

Ok! Lovin' your sweet little bug! Go Punx - way to swim! Ugh, see food diet!

(I keep a notepad by my bed, in the car, and in the bathroom cupboard, by the tp, so that when a good blog idea strikes, I can jot it down. Otherwise they just come and go, unacknowledged.)

oda41143 Missy said...

Sounds like you have a lot on your plate girlie. Congrats on Punx making the swim team. I get so sick when people smack their mouths when they eat. My little brother used to torture me by doing it on purpose. I can't deal with it.