Tuesday, October 16, 2007

What kids really think.

To escape the quiet jail of our house during fall break we did finally go to my sister's in KY. We had a great time by the way. See pictures below of our trip to the Nashville Zoo. It was so nice to be loud in a house again. What wasn't fun was being called home by Dan to "come take care of me, I'm sick." I am not a nice nurse. I'll do it. Make chicken noodle. Take you to the doctor. Make the bed. But it is a given that I will be cranky while I do it. No one would ever pull a Florence Nightengale syndrome on me, that's for sure. And of course, he got me sick.

Anyway, the point. What kids think. While I am at my sister's, my kids and their cousins are playing in a room and I can hear them having a kid conversation. Here's how it goes...

DD, "My Mom is 29. My Dad is 32."

9 year old nephew, "My mom is like 38."

DD, "Whoa!!"

Newphew, "My Dad is 40.

DD, "That's impossible!!"

Remember when 40 was impossible? My father was 41 when I was born so 40 was always just old not impossible. But now siblings are this age or knocking at it. To my daughter though, it is impossible. My sister and brother in law got a kick out of being a whoa and an impossible.


Supercool Mom said...

OMGosh, I've hit impossible! I thought 26 was bad.

One night I hear a 4 yr old neice and my little DD talking:
niece: My mom's an Adult.
DD: Wow?!!? My mom's an adult too! (What a coincidence. LOL)

Nikki said...

Your DD is so funny. We miss her.