Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Fall Break?

I had never heard of such a thing but yet here we are enjoying fall break, sort of. I have the kids but not Dan. He is on 12 hour shift graveyards, last week and this. Man, it is not fun. Last week it wasn't so bad, just keeping Bug in the basement and quiet and Dan would wake up around the time Innie and DD got home from school. But all three quiet on vacation until 4p.m.?

And now Dan has taken to sleeping in the basement since it has no windows and is so dark and cool. He sleeps better, he has been overheating during the day since we have been in the high 80s and 90s here. ARGGH!! So now all three quiet while we are above him.

I could send them upstairs to their rooms but we don't keep toys in their rooms, the toy area, of course is in the basement. I decided to just get out of town for a few days since we only see Dan for about two hours a day anyway. So off to see my sister in KY, but my nephew now has an infection. Man alive, fall break rules. He's on antibiotics now so maybe not all is lost we still might be able to head out tomorrow or the next day.

So now we just wait and be quiet. Just knowing that Dan will go to normal work next week. And they will be going on block leave in November for like all of November before the deployment. We are not sure if Dan will be able to take all of November off, he doesn't have that much leave and with joining the unit late there is some training he needs to get caught up on. But at least two weeks, we hope.

Well, Fall Break. Never heard of it, sounded fun. Now I am not so sure. Tip-toeing around the house, getting ready for a deployment, can't go to my sister's, did I leave anything else out of my pathetic life? Any be quiet tips? I can only stay at the Y so long in the mornings.


Supercool Mom said...

Park? Zoo? Mall? Movie? Play outside? Disneyland? bummer.

Jessica Haddox said...

Ahhh, fall break. When I was in school, it was "Spud Harvest" and was 2-3 weeks long. It was designed to give farmers the chance to hire the highschool kids to help out with potato harvest. The younger kids just got it as a break since they wanted to keep the entire district on the same schedule. My nephew got fall break last year too even though they have no potatos here in West Idaho. Hmm... lazy teachers?

Pure Golding said...

Fall break for us is usually one day. The kids have Monday off which is nice because it is Sams b-day. Ken is taking him hunting. Opening of the elk season but they opted for pheasant instead. Caryssa and Ash are happy about the break from swimming and need the day to catch up on homework. The rest of us will probably use it to watch a movie or head to Utah for shopping and such. I need to hit a Costco big time!

Haddorkus said...

Jessica, no matter how many breaks there are during the school year kids still have to go to school 180 days so fall break only prolongs the school year not shortens it. And teachers have nothing to do with setting the calendar that it what administrators do, not teachers. They are told what their days off will be same as the students. Can you tell that I have teachers in my family, anyone?

Jessica Haddox said...

pfft, I meant it as a joke, of course. No disrespect at all for teachers. I wanted to be one myself, and probably would be if I hadn't left school to start a family.