Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I've been tagged by Pookieville to answer these questions so here is goes:

1. What I was doing 10 years ago: I was working at the Olive Garden in Salt Lake City. I was living in Provo, Utah just about to move into an apartment with my brother, Derrrick and sister Karrina in Salt Lake. I would stay over at my Grandparents in Sugarhouse if I didn't want to drive all the way back to Provo that night. It was only a few days ago that I met a returned missionary named Dan as he came in to get his interview for a server position. We were only a month and a half off from getting engaged.

2. Five years ago: Dan was one month into the US Air Force and we were living at Vandenberg AFB, CA. Innie was 3 1/2 and DD was 20 months. I was one month off getting pregnant with Bug. I was loving that Dan was graduated and done with the U. I loved living just four hours from Ontario and made the trip a few times the six months we lived there. My father and sister, Jenny still lived in California backed then. So did my best friend Lisa.

3. One year ago: We were in Minot, ND we were trying to sell our house and were waiting for the final word from the US Army that Dan had been accepted. We had no idea where we would be moving but knew we had to move in the next few weeks. Innie was 7 1/2, DD almost 6, and Bug 3. I was just freaking out. We got our orders within a couple days of selling the house with a report date of two weeks from when we got them. We moved to Fort Lee, VA within two weeks and stayed there 7 months.

4. Yesterday: Got Innie and DD on the bus the I worked out at the Y, it was an arms and back weight day. Then 30 minutes of cardio and abs. Then I tinkered around at home with Bug and Dan got home early since he is still in-processing here. When the kids got home from school we went back to the Y and went swimming since it was like 90 yesterday. Came home, homework, which DD only had a 15 minute meltdown about this time, lost playing on the computer for 3 days, and ate dinner. Put the kids to bed, and watched TV. Fascinating.

5. 5 Snacks I enjoy: Yogurt, Sour Cream and Onion Lays with Cottage Cheese, Dove Dark Chocolate, and two things I can't have often but love Killian corn and 7-layer cookie.

6. 5 things I would do if I suddenly had $100 million: Have Dan retire, get out of debt, help family, build three houses : beach, mountain, and everyday, become a marine biologist.

7. 5 locations I would like to run away to: Europe, Finland in particular, Hawaii, Australia, and Montana.

8. 5 bad habits I have: I yell, I'm not nice, I'm sarcastic, I'm cocky, and when I play the piano and lose my place I scratch my face until I can find my spot again.

9. 5 things I like doing: Reading, Swimming, Blogging, Watching TV, being with Dan.

10. 5 TV shows I like: Gilmore Girls, Heroes, The Office, ABC news with Charles Gibson, and Beauty and the Geek.

11. 5 things I hate doing: Laundry, Dishes (although I love it when they are both done, the 5 seconds that they stay done), punishing the children, yard work, and dealing with stupid people.

12. 5 biggest joys of the moment: 8:30 p.m. (bedtime) that's when I get Dan to myself the kids are still all over him and I don't exist, watching the scale numbers go down I just wish they would go down faster, listening to DD read, hearing Innie do math in his head, and watching Bug hug his Dad.

1 comment:

Supercool Mom said...

So fun to learn more about you, we have tons in common (except your scale is going down). and thanks, 'cuz now I'm going to be craving 7 layer cookies.