Friday, September 21, 2007

Happy Fall Y'all

Happy Fall. I wanted to wish everyone a joyous equinox while the earth is still slightly off kilter. Lets all remember to do something fun with it. Here is the reward of my hard work. What will you do with your equinox?


Nikki said...

You so cheated. The picture tells all.

Haddorkus said...

Shhh!!!! Don't say anything. Maybe no one will notice. And hey, you're are so not aloud to out me. Like I am going to take the time to do something like that for real, I've got other things to do you know, like blog my faked pictures.

Wheater said...

Now I'm p#$%@#, is that real or not?? You told me on the phone it was, eventually you have to say J/K or else you're lying..come on now, don't be mean..
Is that really possible??