Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Weird saving post thing

I started a post on Jan 17. I tried to upload some pictures to it and blogger wouldn't let me so I just kept the saved draft until I could get back to trying again. Well, a lot of craziness later and I decided to try again on the whole uploading the picture. And it all worked out since now I had a way to put up a better quality of picture.

So I finish the post and publish it. I then look on the blog to see how it looks before signing off. Its not there. That's weird, where is it? I go back to the edit post page and there it is and it is showing that it is published, I click on it and it is there all published. Alright, I go back to the blog and it is still not showing up. I scroll down to the list and it is there but it was put in on the day that I started the post, the 17, not the day I finished it. Why would anyone want it that way?

Who is going to scroll down five or more posts to see if there is something new? It is so bizarre. So my new post is a few post down on Jan. 17 under Sanity Scrapbooking. So I guess no more saving posts and coming back to them later.


Laura said...

There's a way to change the date - at the bottom of the window where you are typing the post, I think it says more options or something like that - if you click there, it opens a sub-menu, and you can change the date somewhere down there... took me forever to figure that out, and only after a fellow blogger mentioned it did I realize it was even possible. HTH!

Nikki said...

Ditto on what Laura said. And that's also how you can make "sticky posts" for the top of your blog.

Super Stevie said...

Concur with Laura and Nikki; however, as to why _anyone_ would want it - it just depends upon the platform your using (in this case blogger) and the default settings they use. Generally when you write a post you plan on publishing it pretty soon after you start it. As a result the default date and time stamp is saved and then stored into the database along with your draft. Once you click publish, all the settings you used originally will get saved unless you change them (including your original date and time). Some blog systems have an option to change the default behavior (such as updating the time stamp whenever you publish a post). I'm not sure if Blogger offers that or not as I'm more a WordPress guy myself since I can host it on my own web server. But that's just the geek in me.

BTW, I love reading all your posts, sorry I'm so horrible at commenting :(