Thursday, January 17, 2008

Spaz II

Make sure you read Spaz post before this one...

So if I weren't enough of a retard. I went on post tonight for a FRG meeting. I took the kids to the day care place where they watch the kids for free for FRG meetings. Of course, I was running late. I left my bag in the car and just grabbed my keys, phone (I never let it out of my hand for a second, what if Dan calls?), and my wallet (just in case they checked ID).

I hurry and drop them off and run off to the meeting place. I am a few minutes late so I grab my bag and then my stuff. I get out of the car to start putting all that stuff into the bag. Keys into little pocket of bag. Phone on vibrate in jeans pocket(What if Dan calls?) and wallet...must of fallen out and slipped down the side...wallet...nope. I am sure its there, I am late. I'll go to the meeting and search the car later. Meeting over, search car...wallet? Nope. Alright, I dropped it at the CDC, I'll go there and get it. I am doing good, no panic here. CDC people, seen my wallet? Nope. Alright, not feeling so great anymore. I make the kids search the parking lot where I parked earlier while I search the car again. Nope.

Well, nothing to do here. Time to go home. I have to leave post with no military ID, which means I have no way to get back on. I would need my sponsor, Dan, to get me back on so that he could take me to the office that hands out the new ones. I start to cry before I leave post as I realize that I was going to the Temple next Saturday, Super Saturday. I can't get back on post to take them to SS or to the Temple, since my Temple recommend was in there, also. I am now driving through the gate. I even slowed down. Once I leave, I don't know what to do. I can't get back on but the only hope I have is in a Power of Attorney back home. Its 7:30p.m. anyway, what I am going to do, sleep in the car with the kids until the office opens and refuse to leave the post until I have a new one? I guess we could have slept at a friend's house, not sent the kids to school, and sent someone else to my house for the POA. That sounds reasonable, right? I haven't gone round the bend yet, have I?

Dan has been gone three weeks, that's it. 21 days and I am the total Spaz Queen. Are we in for it or what?


Laurie HF said...

I want to know - did you ever find your wallet?

Abbey said...

I want to know too!
Poor girl....Don't worry, Will has lost his wallet several times. I bet that doesn't make you feel better though huh?

Tubbs Family said...

So what happened? This is like a "TO BE CONTINUED..." Anyway, thanks for calling the other day. It was good to hear from you!

Pure Golding said...

We have all been praying for Dans safety and yours. Maybe we should be praying for your sanity as well? You'll do super. You're probably just going through a transition time and once you've settled Dan will be home. JK
We will continue to pray for you and your wallet (and your hair). Anything come of that?
Just remember to take time for yourself. Breathe, watch a funny movie and don't forget the popcorn!