Friday, August 29, 2008

It's hard to be a grown-up...

In college. My first week as a college student is complete. Right before school started I reevaluated what I was trying to do versus what my priorities are. I was extremely stressed out about the pre-calculus class and the load I was taking on even before classes started. I took a deep breath and thought really hard about my goals and my kids and it wasn't so hard to come to a decision. I dropped two classes, the classes I was taking online, which I hate. I dropped the calculus and signed up for the math a level below it. Now I knew that making this decision means that I won't graduate in 2011. But on the other hand it gives the children a higher chance of survival by me not killing them in some stress-induced rage.

It also means that I won't graduate in 2012, either. All signs indicate that we will move in 2011. So I will go to Austin Peay until I am done with my generals, which I can do in four easy semesters. The last year we are here I won't go to school at all while I wait until we move to the next post. Hopefully at the next post I will be able to graduate. Also, the last year we are here Dan should be deployed again so not going to school that year just makes things easier.

Here is my point, though, about being a grown-up in college. Somewhere, somehow along the line I did grow up and now college kids bug me.

In every single one of my classes the kids start to clean up their stuff to leave five minutes before class is over. It is loud, distracting, and totally rude to the professor who is still trying to teach. In my Anatomy/Physiology class which has at least 50 people in it, it is the worst. The professor lectures right up until the end and people are all shuffling their things and it's hard to concentrate on the material. Don't they want to know what he is saying, don't they take notes? I seriously thought about shushing them today but that would violate my goal of staying low-key.

As I am trudging around campus the first day of school with my gimpy back, I was looking for a comfortable place to study during the two-hour break I have between classes. Which I love, I get so much work done and it frees me from having to do homework at home when I need to focus on the kids. I found some cushy seating in the student center and set up camp. It was so loud in there. All these boys playing pool and cussing at each other. A whole mess of flirting and disgusting behavior going on. And all I could think about was don't they have studying to do? Why do they have to be so loud?

Grandma that I am now, I scouted a new location with comfy seating in the library where at least it is a little more quiet.

This is all so surreal to me. I feel like I should go outside and yell at some kids to stay off my lawn. I was one of those obnoxious kids once, talking all loud, flirting, and making a general spectacle of myself. Now the kids who have taken my place are annoying and clueless to me. I always thought of myself as somewhat cool. This adult thinking is not on the list of what's cool. And I don't care, when did that happen?

Is this what my mid-life crisis is going to feel like?

I am almost positive that I am older than one of my professors. My lab instructor, I would be shocked to learn that she is older than me, it's so weird.

Last thing on an unrelated subject. I got a new lemon cake to try again with my birthday cake. Wish me luck.


SuperCoolMom said...

First. Lemon cake, YUM! Try adding a small lemon pudding and 1 extra egg to the batter. Soooo good. (Also, cake release = 1/3 oil, 1/3 shortening, 1/3 flour (mix it and paint your pan for perfect release every time. Just store it in the cupboard in a jar).

Second. I am sooo glad that you dropped those online classes. I can NOT do a course where I can not see and meet the teacher. How the heck are you supposed to know how to sway your paper to their opinion, if you don't know their opinion? Ridiculous. (Yes. I AM a total brown-noser and that IS how you get A's.)

Third. You will soon see all of your professors turning to teach straight to you. Try switching chairs and watch them turn the lecture to face you, since you are the only one in class listening and answering questions. It's really quite amazing. Begin taking data, fascinating stuff. LOL!

M A Haddox said...

You should go study in the places those types of students would never be found: the music building or science and math buildings. Geeks may be noisy sometimes, but they will typically also be respectful.

As far as lemon cake goes, can I have your facorite recipe for it? I'd say that it's to celebrate your birthday, but it's really all about the lemon cake.

Tubbs Family said...

Well, I'm super proud of you! This is brave and will be worth it. I believe you made the right decisions. Its hard when there is a plan and kids confuse it all up :-) But you can't help it when they're so cute and vunerable.

Abbey said...

I'm glad you decided to switch your classes...I could tell you were stressed out.

The Schooley's said...

Good for you Cristtin. How did the new cake turn out? I hate those "when did I become a grwon up & how can I stop this" moments. I had one in a clothing store a little bit ago, where the music was irritating and the smell of cologne was just too overpowering, & I thought to myself, yep, I'm getting old. You are awesome & I know you will kick butt in school. Just wear an IPod & you won't hear anyh=thing you don't really want to!!

Pure Golding said...

One step closer to old fogeyville! JK! I love living in a small town for that same reason! Too many people doing stupid things in strange places!
I'm proud of you for doing this! That's an awesome leap of faith. I like the library idea. It should be quiet there anyway, even if there are lots of footsie games under the tables.