Saturday, June 14, 2008

Cleaning the Car

One car trip too many, I guess. The car was so grossy. It could be put off no longer. I had to vacuum the car. While I was vacuuming the car all sort of things occurred to me. First was that just vacuuming was not going to be enough, bucket and soap was required, but here are a some of the other things that came to me.

My kids are gross. Not just lots of crumbs, trash, messy gross. I mean gross. I vacuumed a booger today. A smeared one my backseat, ew. And there is a high probability that there was another one on the door that I had to get with the soapy water. It was wrong.

My car really is a black hole. I found a zinger wrapper under the seat, while scrounging for trash. I sat down and tried to remember when is the last time I bought a zinger or even zingers in plural. I couldn't think of it. I have a vague inkling of a box of zingers back in ND, like two years ago. My car has been cleaned for sure twice just in the past year, deep down cleaning, look under the seats kind of cleaning. What the heck?

My upholstery is way more forgiving than I ever thought it would be. Soap and water and rag got out almost everything on those seats, very surprising.

What, how, when did the ceiling get stained? The ceiling above where the kids sit is lightly peppered with brown dots. Frosty? If there was some sort of Frosty war going on two feet from me, I am almost positive I would've noticed. And guess what else? My ceiling is not made out of the lovely forgiving material that the seats are.

I finally figured out how to turn on the back speakers, rock awesome. That is good sound. Now when I rock out, I will get full sound and get to blast out the kids at the same time, bonus.

How did the little cubbies in the driver and passenger door get filled with tiny pebbly gravel? The kind that is on the floor of your car from your shoes and stuff. My feet don't go anywhere near there, I think.

The bright side was that cleaning the car got me into one of those manic cleaning moods. I finished the car, did a little straightening up in the garage and then swept it, worked a little on organizing my desk (always a disaster), vacuumed the living room, hallway, kitchen, bathroom, and then watched DD mop the kitchen floor as I cooked dinner. I mean it, cooked a real dinner. I had to, the missionaries were coming over.


Susie J. said...

Please don't look at my car. Ever. It's gross. See... my kids destroyed it much like your kids... only I didn't clean it thoroughly afterword... and that was 11 months ago. It will never be the same again.

SuperCoolMom said...

Wow! I'm soooo impressed with your cleaning binge! The nasty car doesn't surprise me at all, I recently heard an occupant in my car squeal, "I don't want to sit by the petrified banana peel!" and once a nephew observed, "Wow! You have everything in here!"

Nicole Shelby said...

ha ha!

you always have a way with making what was probably awful and disgusting - pretty freakin hilarious (well, at least to your audience).

i LOVE manic cleaning moods. my only problem right now is i keep having the moods without the body to back it up. how on earth are you supposed to clean our a top cupboard when your body screams if you try to climb a ladder? ridiculous!

rock on with your bad self...

and i'm sure the missionaries were impressed.

Pure Golding said...

I love that cleaning mode. You wonder, I'm sure that I would have to get in a mood to clean... Well, lately my priorities have changed and cleaning is now a chore. I do manage to keep the house in order but don't look at the blinds or window sills. Yuck! I wonder if there is some kind of pill I could take that would get me in the cleaning mood for the week I need to clean the blinds and baseboards... Then I could relax for another year. Not going to happen, I guess!
About the car. Mine is yucky too. Except I find the boogies on the walls near the beds where I'm sure kids wipe them because they are too lazy to get up and get a tissue. Nasty stuff those boogies!

M A Haddox said...

That cleaning mood is triggered when you put on a wedding ring. Any other moods beyond that are rebellion against the sanctitiy of marriage and your responsibility as a wife to your husband.

Also, cooking mode is another power given with the ring (Why do you think we spend so much on our wives rings?)

Robin Fisher said...

I have found that since we left Tennessee 4 weeks ago for vacation, I am tired of my car looking like it belongs to a homeless person. Even though I JUST cleaned it out 5 days ago, I need to do it again!! ARGH!!!
PS I laughed my head off about the river. I am glad you (and the kids) are okay.

Abbey said...

Please come clean my car. I can't get up the strength to do it. You are brave!