Friday, December 14, 2007

Partied Out

We are officially partied out and we still have two more to go to tomorrow and three next week. Christmas Party number three for me and three for Dan and that doesn't even count the Birthday parties. And we cut out the school program last night, it was all too much. Start times were just too close together we knew we were never going to make it happen. Watching a couple hundred kids, who I don't know and don't give a crap about sing We wish you a Merry Christmas five times in a row while one kid crosses his eyes and another picks his nose. Nah, cross that off.

Anyway, Dan had three work parties this week. We only had to go to two of them. One for his section, one for his unit, and one for his battalion (each one is bigger than the first one). Birthday Party and Ward Party tomorrow. Earlier this week was DD's B-day party (just with the family) and the Relief Society Christmas Thing (I at least got to play my horn for that one). I actually didn't mess up too bad either. Not bad for the last time I played was last Christmas.

Next week the kids have their class Christmas parties all on the same day and of course I signed up for stuff for all of them. No baking, though. Plate, napkins, store cookies, and money. And presents for all.

I'm feeling a little over-whelmed. I still haven't mailed my Christmas cards. I started working on them in October like a good little girl, like I do every year. The only thing holding me back now is DD's pictures, I get them on Monday. Those who don't get individual wallets of the kids, I still haven't even sent those out. I'm not going to get them out 'til Monday or Tuesday, is that too late? Oh well, nothing I can do about it now.


Abbey said...

Amen! I hear ya! We feel the same way. By the way, can you come to our Christmas Party we are throwing next week??! LOL

Laura said...

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by my blog, and congrats on losing 12 pounds - woohoo! I've just read a few of your posts... I'm bookmarking you for later on, too - you've got some funny stuff. I'll be praying for you while your hubby is deployed - my nephew is coming home from Iraq in January, and my other nephew (his brother) is deploying in March. (They are both stationed out of Fort Hood, one is 1st Cavalry, one is 4th Infantry Division.)


Nikki said...

Come to my house and we'll have a Killer Bunnies party.

SuperCoolMom said...

Merry Christmas to you all!