Monday, June 29, 2009


I wanted to have a nervous breakdown today but then I took a real good look at the to-do list and decided it wasn't a priority. I bumped it to number 47 on the list, maybe I'll get to it later in the week.

My top priority contenders:

Exam today that I didn't know I had. I've been so busy with everything else that I haven't checked in on my philosophy class in about six days, that's really bad. I haven't read the past two sections and now test today. So right now is my study/reading break before I take the first of only three exams in this class. By the way, I am not a philosophy fan. All this debate on whether or not my body exist, what is reality. Are you kidding me? I know I exist because I hear my children whine at me everyday about something. I know I have a body because it is bone-tired by the end of the day. And if reality didn't exist why I am having an exam on whether or not it exist or not?

Next, finish putting the house back together from two disaster this past week. One, we decided to exchange the boys room for ours and when we were just about done we realized that our box spring wouldn't go up the stairs. Two, DD got head lice from who knows where and I have since been cleaning everything and anything in the house. I have treated her head twice with the one-treatment only stuff and been a groomer monkey on her everyday. There is nothing in this world to freak a person out more than lice.

Last contender, trying to appeal for a refund for a class that I registered to take and completely missed. I didn't read the fine print of the registration that said it was a two-week course that would be done before summer semester started so imagine my shock when I logged onto school the first day of the semester to discover that I had already missed an entire class. Dan and I also pay for school completely on our own, this class cost about $800 plus the $80 book. And its a class in my major so I have to take it. I am trying to appeal for a refund to not have to pay for the same class twice.

So between all this, the breakdown had been resceduled for a later date.

Two bright spots. I took the kids to their first day of Y-camp today and I found my emergency snickers last week that I had hidden from the kids so well that I couldn't find it. I don't expect it to last the week.


The Schooley's said...

Holy list of things to do. Love the fact that you moved having a nervous breakdown to #47. At least you can keep your sense of humor during the caos. "But what do you have the TV pointed at??"

Pure Golding said...

I would like to know how you had time to blog? Just a respite from the mess? Good luck on your exam and on getting your refund. I really mean good luck on that one. Sometimes they are real sticklers on those fine print things! Hang in there. Better days are coming soon! Like when school begins again! Thank goodness for that day!

L4GWTW said...

I love that you put the breakdown on the list for later. Maybe I will have to try that. I will schedule a time that I can cry and get all my anger and fustrations out and then go on to the next thing. I have to say that lice is the freakiest thing to have to deal with. Hopefully you won't have to worry about it ever again. Love ya Stacey